1 matches any 2 matches all 3 between 4 any not equal 5 exists 6 does not exist 11 matches 12 does not match 13 greater than or equal 14 greater than 15 less than or equal 16 less than 17 starts with 18 does not start with 19 ends with 20 does not end with 21 contains 22 does not contain 31 equals 32 does not equal 33 on or after 34 after 35 on or before 36 before 41 matches 42 does not match 43 greater than or equal 44 greater than 45 less than or equal 46 less than 47 Database created 48 Network error: 49 The connection to the server:database %s:%s is no longer active.\nYou should close your local copy of the database. 50 Portfolio Server Message: 95 Press Ctrl to prevent docking\n 96 Allow docking 97 Hide 98 Float on desktop 99 Customize... 101 Recover Catalog 102 Progress 103 Displays the Saved Galleries list\nSaved Galleries 104 Displays the Saved Finds list\nSaved Finds 105 Original file not available. 106 Inches 107 Points 108 Picas 109 Customize Gallery 110 There was an error while performing this query. 111 Centimeters 112 Millimeters 113 Import Keywords 114 Export Keywords 115 Pixels 116 The Text Block length must be a value between 1 and 32,768. 117 You cannot search on more than five criteria at once. 118 You must enter something to search for in this field. 119 There was an error loading the specified find. 120 Validating Gallery 121 Refresh 122 The find cannot be loaded because it contains deleted field(s). 123 A field by that name already exists. 124 Set Publisher Password 125 Error 126 Item Deleted 127 That name is already in use. Do you wish to override it? 128 Portfolio 129 \nPortfolio\nPortfolio\nPortfolio Catalog Files (*.fdb)\n.FDB\nPortfolio.Document\nPortfolio Catalog Document\nPORTFOLIO\nPortfolio Catalog Files 130 That name is already in use. Please choose another. 131 Some of the items were already in the keywords list and were not added. 132 The preview application cannot display this file type. Would you \nlike to try to edit the file instead? 133 Portfolio cannot determine the file type of this file because\nthe filename does not have an extension. 134 Engineering: Scott Chandler, Jeff Jones, Ian Osgood, Milt Sagen, Jim Sunderland\n\nProject Management: Todd Schomer\n\nProduct Marketing: Joe Schorr\n\nQuality Assurance: Dan Davis, Casey Goodale, Sydney Guitjens, Brian Yoss 135 String 136 Integer 138 Date/Time 139 Decimal 140 Copying Records 141 Properties 142 System Font 143 No saved galleries 144 No saved finds 145 Unknown file type. 147 Updating Items 148 Save as Default 149 Factory Settings 150 Cancel the current operation before shutting down. 151 Export (*.xfd)|*.xfd| 152 Remaining: 153 The catalog is busy. Would you like to retry the operation? 154 A gallery by that name already exists. Would you like to replace it with this gallery? 155 Are you sure you want to delete the selected items from this database? 156 Portfolio 157 Save Text File To 158 There was an error opening the file. 159 %d item(s) 160 Add 161 Delete 162 Calculating Keywords... 163 There was an error creating the catalog. 164 English 166 German 167 French 170 Japanese 171 n/a 172 Showing %d of %d records 173 Starting Recovery 174 Rebuilding Resources 175 Rebuilding Streams and Tables 176 Rebuilding Records 177 Rebuilding Schema and Tables 178 Rebuilding Schema and Tables 179 Catalog to Recover 180 New Catalog Name 181 All recoverable records have been added to the new catalog. 182 The recovery was unsuccessful. 183 There was an error deleting the file %1. 184 Assign 185 The operation could not be completed because the disk is full. 186 %d out of %d files were copied. 187 Results 188 %d out of %d items were deleted. 189 %d out of %d files successfully moved. 190 Are you sure you want to delete the file "%s"? 191 Field Name 192 Type 193 You have changed the field definitions for this catalog.\n Portfolio needs to close any Item Properties dialogs for this\n catalog. You will be prompted to save any modified items. 194 Do you wish to save your changes to this item? 195 This action will destroy any data within this field. Are you \nsure you want to do this? 196 This application has expired. 197 You are attempting to run Portfolio on a platform that is not\nsupported. You must have either Windows 95 (or better)\n or Windows NT 4.0 (or better) to run this product. 198 Save Keywords 200 There was an error opening the specified catalog. 201 The catalog could not be opened in the specified mode because\nit is already opened exclusively. 202 Some of the files specified were not valid Portfolio catalogs.\n If you are attempting to catalog these files, drop them on to an\n open Portfolio gallery and not the main Portfolio window. 203 Calculating Statistics 204 Portfolio is not installed properly. Please rerun the installation program\nfor Portfolio and try again. 205 Replace keyword '%s' with '%s'? 206 The name you entered is too long. Gallery names must be \nless than 32 characters. 207 You cannot edit more than 10 original items at once. 208 There was an error while cataloging the file %s - (%x). 209 The keyword you are attempting to add is not in this catalog's \nMaster Keyword List. This catalog does not allow adding \nkeywords to catalog items that are not already in the \ncatalog's Master Keyword List. 210 You cannot preview more than 10 items at once. 211 You have specified an invalid user name, password, or access level . Would you like to try again? 212 This process may take a long time. Do you want to proceed? 213 The text must be no more than %d characters. 214 Please enter a whole number in the range of -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647. 215 You must enter a valid decimal value with a precision of %1. \nDo not exceed 15 total digits. 216 You have entered an invalid date and time. 217 That value is already in the list. 218 ... 219 A gallery with that name already exists. Please choose another name. 220 The catalog you are trying to open is on a locked volume or \nis marked as read-only. The catalog will be opened in Reader \nmode. 221 The catalog is already in use by another user and cannot be\nopened in Administrator mode. 222 Select copy file location: 223 Select move file location: 224 You can only assign up to 50 keywords at a time. 225 At least one of the selected files wasn't found. 226 Default 227 Save 228 Save As... 229 Save As Default 230 Edit List... 231 Please locate the file "%1" that was located on "%2". 232 That keyword is already in the list. Please choose another name. 233 Page %d 234 You must have at least Publisher access to modifiy the saved finds. 235 You have specified an invalid text file. 236 The find can not be edited because it contains deleted field(s). 237 The filters folder or the filters.ini file is missing. You will not be \nable to preview and catalog some file types. 238 Press OK to delete the %d selected items. 239 Press OK to delete the selected item. 240 Calculating Missing Files 241 The catalog could not be created because the disk is full. 242 Applying Keywords... 243 Rotating Thumbnails 244 Out of memory 245 An error occurred deleting original files. 246 Find All 247 Building Gallery... 248 Sort 249 Sorting Gallery... 250 An unknown error occurred. 251 Deleting Records 252 Preview 253 Edit Original... 254 Cut 255 Copy 256 Paste 257 Properties 258 Place Holder 259 Other... 260 Could not delete %s 261 You cannot import any values because you have not chosen a key field 262 K 263 FieldName 264 And 265 Or 266 Default 267 A crash occurred while trying to build a thumbnail for the\nfollowing image. The image may be corrupted.\n%1 268 PortfolioPreview\n\nPortfolioP\n\n\nPortfolioPreview.Document\nPortfolioP Document 269 \nPortfo\nPortfo\nPortfolio Files (*.fdb)\n.fdb\nPortfolio.Document\nPortfolio Document 271 No data found for this property 272 xy234ab 273 1 275 You may only define a Key relationship on an indexed field 276 The file %1, is being used by another application. 277 The file %1, is invalid. 278 Unknown Error Opening File %1. 279 Default 280 Edit 281 Importing Field Values... 282 Warning! The data in field 283 of the import file's second record does not appear to fit field type 284 of Portfolio field 285 . If the data does not match the field type of the Portfolio field, the data will not be imported. Are you sure you wish to continue? 286 None 287 A saved set with this name already exists. Please select a different name 288 The file %1, is empty. 289 Replaced %d items out of the %d chosen items 290 Find and Replace Change Summary 291 Replacing/Adding Field Values... 292 A value must be entered 293 You specified an invalid password for this access mode. 294 Browser 295 Italic 296 Warning 297 There were no missing items to update. 298 Catalog Properties 299 Bold 300 Catalog Administration 301 Thin 302 Field Name 303 Type 304 Ultralight 305 Value 306 Please insert the removable disk "%s" into any drive. 307 Text Files (*.txt)|*.txt|All Files (*.*)|*.*|| 308 Unknown User 309 Not been set 310 The file "%s" cannot be found. Would you like to try to\nlocate it? 311 All Files (*.*)|*.*|| 312 Portfolio Catalog Files (*.fdb)|*.fdb|| 313 Select Application 314 Set Editor Password 315 Set Reader Password 316 You have specified an invalid length for the password. Passwords \nmust be either empty (to clear) or between 4 and \n12 characters. 317 The confirm password doesn't match your new password. Please reenter. 318 Application Types (*.exe)|*.exe|| 319 An error occurred while writing to this file. You may be out of\ndisk space. 320 An error occurred while reading this file. 321 Path 322 Volume 323 Filename 324 Extension Win 325 Created 326 Last Modified 327 File Size 328 Last Updated 329 Cataloged 330 Description 331 Keywords 332 Thumbnail 333 Custom Thumbnail 334 File Type Mac 335 Creator Mac 336 Short Filename Win 337 Alias Mac 338 Zone Mac 339 Light 340 Normal 341 Medium 342 Semi-Bold 343 Extra Bold 344 Heavy 345 Untitled 346 Slideshow starting... (press Escape to abort) 347 This catalog was created in an older version of Portfolio and needs\nto be updated to 6.0. In order to do this, you must open the \ncatalog in Administrator mode. Please reopen the catalog with \nAdministrator access to continue. 348 Catalogs accessed through a Portfolio server cannot be opened in Administrator or Browser mode. Please select another access level. 349 pt. 350 No fields have been selected to import. 351 Please do not include the file extension. \nChanging the file extension is not allowed 352 The original file cannot be renamed because it is either locked or on a locked volume. 353 The original file cannot be located. Please update the record and then rerun this command. 354 The name of the file has changed from the original. \nAre you sure you want to use this filename? 355 Old name: 356 New name: 357 URL Field 358 A border of this size already exists. Do you wish to overwrite it? 359 Scripts 360 There is nothing in the Clipboard to paste. 361 The Portfolio server requires TCP/IP networking be installed and active.\nPortfolio has not detected TCP/IP on this machine.\nYou must load TCP/IP before you can connect to the server. 362 Advanced Cataloging Options 363 The specifed catalog is not being served on this server. 364 The specified server was not found 365 The maximum number of users has been reached. 366 Thumbnail View 367 List View 368 Record View 369 Customize 370 Keyword Palette 371 Sort... 376 The default catalog 377 could not be opened because the server 378 cannot be found on the network. 379 because it is not being shared by the server 380 Black & White 381 Grayscale 382 RGB 383 CMYK 384 Lab 385 YUV 386 YCCK 387 This catalog was created with an older version of Portfolio and\nwill be opened in a limited Browser mode.You will not be able\nto access Portfolio 6.0 features.To convert the catalog to the Portfolio 6.0 format,\nmake sure that it is not locked or on a locked volume, and open it\nin Administrator mode. 388 You must use the exist/not exists operators when you have not entered any text in the find fields. 389 The replace URL field must either have text in both edit boxes or in neither edit box for this action to occur. 390 Changing the data type of this field will erase the data in the predefined list. Are you sure you want to continue? 391 This tag is already used or reserved for system fields. 392 could not be opened 393 The Portfolio server does not have enough disk space to continue cataloging.\nPlease contact the server's administrator to free up more disk space. 394 A general error occurred. You may have run out of memory or \nsome other error condition occurred. 395 To set this field, you must enter both a name and an address for this field. However,\nto clear the field, you can leave both values blank. 396 You can not recover to the same file you are trying to recover from 397 PortfolioSlideshow\n\nPortfolioS\n\n\nPortfolioSlideshow.Document\nPortfolioS Document 398 This catalog is on a locked volume or is marked as read-only. 399 You have specified an invalid filename. A filename cannot contain any of\nthe following characters: \/:*?"<>| 400 Current Settings 401 Operation completed successfully. 402 JPEG Files (*.jpg)|*.jpg|| 403 Untitled 404 Are you sure you wish to remove this layout from the list? 405 There was a fatal error adding the template. 406 You have saved the template with a name that already \nexists. Please choose another name. 407 There was an error saving this template. 408 HTML Files (*.htm;*.html)|*.htm;*.html|All Files (*.*)|*.*|| 409 Untitled.htm 410 Save first HTML file as: 411 One or more of the files needed to be created exists in this location. \nWould you like to overwrite all of these files or cancel the operation? 412 Stopping the HTML generation will result in a partially generated \nset of files. Are you sure you wish to stop this process? 413 There was an error creating the images folder. 414 There was a fatal error creating a file. You may have run out of disk space. 415 The macro specified in the template, %%1%, is not a valid \nfield name. Operation aborted. 416 Begins With 417 Contains 418 Ends With 420 Controls which parts of the item's location are automatically turned into keywords. 421 Sets the compression setting for the thumbnail stored in the catalog. A higher quality thumbnail uses less compression and takes up more space in the catalog. A lower quality thumbnail uses higher compression and takes up less space. 422 Controls the size of the thumbnail. 112 x 112 is the standard size. 256 x 256 results in a larger display at the highest thumbnail view setting, but takes up more space in the catalog. 423 Extract keywords embedded in the original. If found, the keywords are placed in the item's Keywords field. 424 Check this option to look for a description or caption stored in the original. If found, the description is placed in the Portfolio record's description field. 425 Uses the embedded thumbnail if found in the original. If disabled, Portfolio will generate its own thumbnail for the file. 426 Do not catalog any originals from which a thumbnail cannot be created or extracted. 427 Check this option to extract or generate a new thumbnail from the original. Uncheck this if you wish to update the file information but not the thumbnail, as the update process will work more quickly. 428 Check this option to use a thumbnail stored in the original, if found. If unchecked, Portfolio will only attempt to generate a thumbnail from the data in the original. 429 Extracts Description or Caption text embedded in the original. If found, the text is placed in the item's Description field. 430 Replaces an existing item Description with the Description embedded in the original. This will overwrite any Description that has been entered for an item. 431 Check this option to look for keywords stored in the original. Leave this unchecked if the embedded keywords have not been changed since the last update. 432 Replace an item's keywords with any keywords embedded in the original. 433 Adds any new keywords embedded in the original to the Keyword field of the item in Portfolio. This will not overwrite existing item keywords. 434 Adds a Description embedded in the original to the end of the Description field of the item. This will not overwrite any existing Description. 435 You have saved the border with a name that already exists. Please choose another name. 436 Title 437 Code 438 Field 439 State 440 Action 441 On 442 Off 443 Append 444 Replace 445 Untitled 446 Exporting HTML 447 Warning: Portfolio is about to upgrade your older Portfolio catalog \nto work with Portfolio 6.0. This catalog will no longer be \nusable in previous versions of Portfolio.\nAre you sure you want to proceed? 448 The maximum number of users with the serial number %1\nare already connected to the server.\nPlease try again later. 449 The macro "%1" in the %2 field is unrecognized. \nYou must correct the error before proceeding. 450 Header 451 Item 452 Footer 453 You need the full version of Extensis Portfolio to perform this operation. 454 Preferences 455 Are you sure you wish to remove server '%1' from the list? 456 Thumbnail Size 457 Color Mode 458 Horizontal Resolution 459 Vertical Resolution 460 Width 461 Height 462 Server: 463 Corrupt server list in registry. 464 This server already exists in the list. 465 QuickTime initialization failed (error: %1).\nMultimedia files will be handled by external viewers. 466 Filters 467 Images 468 Previous Page 469 Next Page 470 prev 471 next 472 page 473 thumbnail 474 475 Arial 476 Unknown 477 Fit 478 Streaming 479 HTML Files (*.htm;*.html)|*.htm;*.html|Text Files (*.txt)|*.txt|All Files (*.*)|*.*|| 480 You must select a field name before you may turn on this rule. 481 Catalogs 482 Catalogs list in prefs is corrupt! 483 Catalog 484 Galleries 485 Selected Catalogs 486 %d records found 487 Items Found 488 Servers 489 Applying Category... 490 Removing Category... 491 "%1" is not a valid folder. 492 Are you sure you want to delete this Find? 493 Are you sure you want to delete this Gallery? 494 Find - %s 495 Create Categories from the location of the files added to the catalog. 496 Selected Folders 497 No originals could be found for the slideshow. 498 Margins (inches) 499 Margins (millimeters) 500 You have entered an invalid margin value, please enter a numeric value. 501 Master 502 You have changed the record set in a Find Gallery. Do you want to save your changes in a new Gallery? 503 Do you want to save changes to the Portfolio Gallery "%1" before closing? 504 Unknown 505 Watermark Not Detected 506 Watermark Detected 507 Check for Digimarc IDs in supported graphic file formats when adding them to the catalog. 508 Maximum preview size is %1 pixels. 509 A Digimarc ID was read from %1 out of %2 selected records. 510 No watermark was found in the selected image. 511 Restricted 512 Copy Protected 513 Adult Content 514 Invalid password. 515 Passwords cannot be blank. Please enter a valid password. 516 Entire Volume Path 517 Extract text from supported document formats for use with the Find Document Text feature. 518 Edits the list of words to be ignored when indexing document text. 519 New Catalog 520 &Enter new Catalog Name: 521 Close Catalog 522 There are currently users logged into this catalog. Please enter a delay time in minutes. 523 &Unserve 524 Cancel &Unserve 525 The Catalog is already open. 526 Always open on server startup? 527 Please enter a user name. 528 Administer Servers 529 %1 Administration 530 Add Server 531 Edit Server 532 The confirm password and password do not match Please reenter. 533 Add Server failed. 534 Edit Server failed. 535 Remove Server failed. 536 Embed watermark failed for file: %1. 537 Users 538 Group 539 Are you sure you want to delete this user login? 540 There must be at least one user with Administrator privileges. 541 An entry already exists for this user name. 542 The Digimarc ID was successfully embedded in %1 out of %2 selected records. 543 Embedding Digimarc ID... 544 Add Serial Code 545 Serial Code: 546 You have entered an invalid serial number. 547 Category 548 Number of Pages 549 Placeholder 550 Watermarked 551 Watermark URL 552 You have specified an invalid length for the password.\n Passwords must be between 4 and 12 characters. 553 This is a placeholder image. Please use"Update Items"\n to link the image to a file. 554 The server has not been serialized. Do you wish to add a serial number to the server? 555 Edit Server 556 Text Block 557 The String length must be a value between 1 and 249. 558 Enter SQL Logon Information 559 Use the poster frame, or first frame, of a movie for the thumbnail. 560 Use the specifed frame within a movie for the thumbnail. 561 Uses the frame found the number of specified seconds into a movie for the thumbnail. 562 This specifies to use the the n-th frame from the beginning of a movie for the thumbnail. 563 This specifes to use the frame this many seconds into the movie for the thumbnail. 564 Select a location for your file 565 You have entered an invalid server name. Please reenter. 566 Hide Categories 567 Hide Catalogs 568 Hide Finds 569 Hide Galleries 570 Hide Master Keywords 571 Hide Sorting 572 Show %1 573 Hide %1 574 Show Categories 575 Show Catalogs 576 Show Finds 577 Show Galleries 578 Show Sorting 579 Show Master Keywords 580 %d K 581 You have no catalogs selected for multi-catalog searching. 582 Reading Digimarc ID... 583 Calculating selected records... 584 p%010u.jpg 585 The database %s will close in %d seconds. 586 The database %s will close in 1 minute. 587 The database %s will close in 1 minute and %d seconds. 588 The database %s will close in %d minutes and %d seconds. 589 The database %s will close in %d minutes. 590 Preview files cannot be generated because the disk is full or the preview path is invalid. Continue current operation? 591 Failed to create catalog. Error = %1!d!. 592 Failed to serve sql catalog. Error = %1!d!. 593 You have entered an invalid Creator ID and PIN combination. 596 Applying Values... 597 Error saving background cataloging information - (%1!d!) 598 all 600 any 602 Monitor 604 Web 606 Print 607 Options for which frame of a movie to use for the thumbnail. 608 5 seconds 610 15 seconds 613 1 minute 615 5 minutes 617 30 minutes 619 1 hour 621 4 hours 623 1 day 626 Portfolio Help\WHStart.htm 627 Portfolio could not locate the Help page. Please make sure the "Portfolio Help" directory is located in the same directory as the Portfolio application. 628 Movie Files (*.mov)|*.mov|All Files (*.*)|*.*|| 629 Save Movie File to 630 Enter Password 635 Result 636 added 637 updated 638 ignored 639 error 640 not examined 641 add 642 update 643 add/update 644 \n%s, %s, %d %s\n 645 files to add/update 646 items to update 647 %s, %s completed %s, total %d of %d examined\n 648 %s, %s completed %s, %d files added, %d items updated, %d ignored, %d errors, total %d of %d examined\n 649 cataloging 650 651 files to process 652 copy failed 653 move failed 654 rename failed 655 The Copy/Move destination specified in the\nCataloging Options is not a valid directory.\n\nNo files were cataloged, since Copy/Move\ncould not proceed. 656 The Copy/Move destination specified in the\nCataloging Options the same as the Disk Preview directory!\n\nNo files were cataloged, since Copy/Move\ncould not proceed. 657 The Copy/Move destination specified in the\nCataloging Options does not have write access.\n\nNo files were cataloged, since Copy/Move\ncould not proceed. 660 Please select a directory for downloading intermediate\ncopies of files to be dropped from the File Store. 670 Please enter a valid folder name.\nName <%s> can not be used as a folder name. 671 Please enter a valid folder name.\nName <%s> contains invalid character(s) 672 Folder <%s>, although still visible, doesn't exist any more.\nPlease select another folder. 673 Path <%s>, although still visible,\ndoesn't represent a folder any more.\nPlease select another folder. 675 Can't create folder <%s>. 676 &New Folder... 677 Please type a name for the new folder. 678 Invalid Folder Name <%s> 679 Rotating Original(s) 680 Select the Folder to add. 681 Explore 700 701 Text 702 Number From 703 Original Filename 704 Error loading data for copy operation 705 New Catalog 706 Open Catalog 707 Black 708 Red 709 White 710 Administrator 711 Blue 712 Yellow 713 Green 714 Grey 715 Aqua 716 Cyan 717 %B %d, %Y 718 32x32 719 64x64 720 112x112 721 Publisher 722 Editor 723 Reader 724 256x256 725 Add 726 Update 727 Add and Update 728 Update Unconditionally 729 Add Unconditionally 730 None 731 File Name 732 File and Folder Name 733 Path Name 734 Path Name with Volume 735 High 736 Medium 737 Low 738 1 739 AND 740 OR 741 A value must be entered for the border name 742 Master Keyword List 743 www.extensis.com 744 Show Properties 745 Show Preview 746 Add Items 747 Add and Update Items 748 Update Items 750 Find "%1" in new location\n(Original Path: %2) 751 Change Path 752 You must select a file with the same name as\nthe original file (%1).\nOnly the location can change. 753 Portfolio has found other files in this same location\n(%1)\nthat match selected items and are not already in the catalog.\n\nUpdate the location of all matching selections to this location? 754 Updating Item Locations 755 Copy/Move is enabled, but the destination directory is invalid.\nEither enter a valid directory or disable Copy/Move. 756 Rename Files is enabled, but no valid renaming rules were entered, or all were set to "None".\nPlease select and enter at least one valid rename rule. 757 Recent Catalogs 758 WARNING: The record corresponding to file "%1"\nhas undergone other modifications since you began Edit Original on it.\nCommitting your edits to it would overwrite the other modifications.\nDo you still want to commit your edits to this record? 759 Specified File (%s)|%s 760 The selected file path is the same as\nthe original file path\n( %1 ).\nSelect a file in a different location, or Skip, or Cancel. 761 The catalog already has a record for the selected file\n( %1 ).\nSelect a file in a different location, or Skip, or Cancel. 762 Duplicate Filenames 763 The filename "%1" appears more than once in the catalog. Which item path do want to update? 764 Skip 765 The destination disk ran out of space while files were\nbeing copied. Some files could not be copied.\n\nNo files were cataloged, since copying was not completed. 766 The destination disk ran out of space while files were\nbeing move. Some files could not be moved.\n\nNo files were cataloged, since moving was not completed. 767 create failed 768 Copy/Move is enabled, but the files to be cataloged include the\nCopy/Move destination specified in the Cataloging Options.\nCopy/Move cannot proceed under these circumstances.\n\nNo files were cataloged. 769 Portfolio has found other files in this same location\n(%1)\nor in subfolders of this location,\nthat match selected items and are not already in the catalog.\n\nUpdate the location of all matching selections to this location? 770 Thumbs 771 The operation can't be completed because the disk is write protected. 772 The files cannot be collected into the Images directory because there are multiple files with the same name. Please rename any duplicates and try again. 773 HTML Templates 774 Borders 775 This folder contains a root disk folder that is currently being watched by Portfolio. Do you want to change your root disk folder to "%s"? 776 That folder overlaps with an existing root folder! 777 The disk folder will no longer be watched by Portfolio. 778 Remove Disk Folder 779 Are you sure you want to rename this read-only directory? 780 Item(s) could not be added to catalog\n"%1",\nbecause the catalog is in %2 mode. 781 Warning: The Copy/Move destination folder originally specified,\n"%1",\nno longer exists. Copy/Move has been disabled. 782 Warning: Copy/Move was enabled previously,\nbut the destination folder is now invalid.\nCopy/Move has been disabled. 783 The Copy/Move destination folder specified in the\nCataloging Options no longer exists.\n\nNo files were cataloged, since Copy/Move\ncould not proceed. 784 Do you want to retry cataloging the same files? 785 The destination directory you selected,\n"%1",\n is invalid. 786 This dialog will no longer be shown prior to adding images\nto this catalog. You can still access the Cataloging Options\ndialog from the Catalog menu, or you may reset this option\nin the Cataloging tab of the Preferences dialog. 787 Saved Views 788 Remove 789 Delete 790 Copy/Move is enabled, but the destination directory\ndoes not have write access.\nEither enter a valid directory or disable Copy/Move. 791 The destination directory you selected,\n"%1",\n is invalid, because it does not have write access. 1013 Inch 1014 Cm 1015 Twips 1016 Pt 1017 Picas 1018 Cicero 1019 mm 1020 m 1021 ft 1022 Please enter a number between %1 and %2. 1023 %1 is not a number. 1024 Inches 1025 Centimeters 1027 The server "%s" is currently unavailable. 1061 Extensis 1062 Unable to read/write, it is opened by someone else. 1063 An unexpected error occurred while reading/writing. 1064 Cannot complete the operation because there is not enough memory. Please quit one or more applications or increase virtual memory settings. 1065 Cannot complete the operation because there is not enough memory. Please quit one or more applications or increase virtual memory settings. 1066 Archive-specific exceptions 1067 File-specific exceptions 1068 Windows resource not found or not creatable 1069 User did something unexpected 1070 OLE (Object Linking and Embedding) exception 1071 The specified file path is invalid 1073 There was an error copying the record. Process aborted. 1074 %1_previews 1075 Screen preview of: %1 1076 Select preview file location: 1077 Link to new file 1078 Are you sure you want to delete the selected items and their original files from this database? 1079 Deletes the local asset file after adding or updating an item to a File Store Catalog 1080 Originating Path 1081 Screen Previews 1082 Note: disabling screen previews for a File Store Catalog \nwill result in the use of the original item for previewing, which \nwill impact performance. 1083 Download Copy... 1084 Select the file to link to this item 1085 This will remove the existing file from the File Store, are you sure? 1086 You cannot delete a catalog that has users connected. 1087 Are you sure you want to delete this catalog? 1088 Error: This is a File Store Catalog and cannot be opened locally. 1089 Do you want this to be a File Store Catalog? 1090 You have chosen to link this record to a new file. Linking to this file will replace the existing file in the File Store.\nAre you sure you want to continue? 1091 Select the directory for the cache folder 1092 Logs 1093 Cache 1094 File Store: 1095 Edit Original 1096 Note: deleting a File Store Catalog will delete ALL files contained in the File Store. Do you wish to continue? 1097 Edits 1098 Custom 1105 Select the directory for the edit original file(s) 1106 Downloading Files 1107 Note: the File Store for this catalog is not available, so there is no access to the originals . Contact your system administrator. 1109 Deleting a File Store Catalog will delete ALL files contained in the File Store. Do you wish to continue?\nNote: The SQL database will not be deleted. 1110 Delete 1111 Delete File Store 1112 The File Store you selected does not match this catalog. 1113 This folder is already in use by another File Store. 1114 The file you are attempting to access is missing or damaged. 1115 File Store error - (%1!d!) 1116 This folder already contains a file named "%1".\nWould you like to replace the existing file? 1117 Cannot create the catalog - a catalog with this name already exists. 1118 You must specify a name for the catalog. 1119 The file for "%s" is missing\nfrom the File Store or damaged. Skipping download. 1150 Failed to connect to the server, error %1. 1151 Can't create a file store in %1!s!\nbecause that location is locked or read-only. 1152 A network error occurred 1153 Can't browse to the volume %1 1154 Can't create a file store at %1!s! 1155 Can't browse up from %1 1156 Server connection lost. Closing down... 1157 The cache size must be between 1 and %d megabytes. 1158 The File Store is not accessible. Contact your system administrator. 1159 This item cannot be linked to a new file because an "Edit Original" is in progress. 1160 Note: the catalog was deleted, but the File Store for this catalog is missing and could not be deleted. 1161 The Preview you are attempting to display is larger than your configured cache size. This can be changed in the Advanced tab\nof Portfolio Preferences (select "Preferences..." in the Edit menu). 1162 The preview for "%s" could not be downloaded,\nbecause it was too large to fit in the local cache directory.\nTo preview this item, you will need to increase the File Store cache\nsize limit to at least %d MB. That can be done in the Advanced tab\nof Portfolio Preferences (select "Preferences..." in the Edit menu). 1163 The operation could not be performed because this item's filename "%1" \ncontains illegal characters. Use "Rename Original" to change the filename. 1164 "Edit Original" cannot be performed because a file of the same name already exists in the "Edit Original" folder. 1165 Note: one or more files could not be deleted because they were locked or on a locked volume. 1166 The selected item is a placeholder and cannot be downloaded. 1167 The File Store is still in use by users. Ensure that this catalog is closed and try again. 1168 A copy of file "%s" already exists\nin the destination folder. Skipping download. 1169 Unable to overwrite existing copy of "%s". 1170 A copy of the preview for "%s" already exists\nin the destination folder. Skipping download. 1171 Unable to overwrite existing copy of\npreview for "%s". 1172 The configured cache folder is missing and could not be re-created.\nTo define a new cache location, use the Advanced tab\nof Portfolio Preferences (select "Preferences..." in the Edit menu). 1173 The preview application cannot display this file type. Would you \nlike to open a copy of the original instead? 1174 This operation cannot be performed because the File Store service has expired. 1175 The File Store service has expired. Items can be downloaded, but not added or updated. 1176 Mail Original 1177 At least one field must be selected for QuickFind. 1178 There are no files to attach to Mail. 1179 Unsorted 1180 %d out of %d file(s) successfully rotated.\nNote that read-only files and non-JPEG files cannot be rotated. 1181 - Item %d of %d 1182 If you change a filename extension, a file may become unusable.\nAre you sure you want to change it? 1183 With Name: 1184 With URL: 1185 This Value: 1186 With Value: 1187 Value: 1188 Edit Values Change Summary 1189 Edit Field Values... 1190 The URL field cannot be left blank. 1191 A field value must be entered. 1192 The File Collect directory specified is not valid. Please select another directory. 1193 The Archive Catalog directory specified is not valid. Please select another directory. 1194 Error: a filename matches an existing folder - "%s".\nPortfolio cannot continue with the collection process in this location. 1195 Error: there was an error creating the required directory of "%s". 1196 Collection failed. %d of %d files were succesfully copied. 1197 There was an error archiving. The number of files collected does not equal the number of items in the archived catalog. 1198 An error occurred creating the archive catalog - (%x) 1199 Enter the destination for file collection 1200 Archive Catalog 1202 %d of %d items are missing. Do you wish to continue? 1203 Scanning for missing files... 1204 Copying files to destination folder... 1205 Creating archive catalog... 1206 Setting paths in Archive Catalog... 1207 Creating Portfolio Browser... 1208 Copying Portfolio Browser support files... 1209 %s already exists.\nDo you want to replace it? 1210 Done. 1211 Please enter a value between 1 and 99. 1212 The selected archive catalog is already in use by another user. 1213 Cannot rename this file - a file with the same name already exists. 1214 An archive catalog cannot be safely created\nbecause this catalog is currently open by another copy of Portfolio (or Portfolio Express).\nPlease ensure that no other users are connected, or switch to admin mode. 1215 deadbeefxy 1216 Portfolio 6 User Guide.pdf 1217 Note: one or more of the Browser support files were not copied \n because the original(s) could not be found. 1218 An unknown error occurred when creating the Portfolio Browser. 1219 Edit Keywords... 1220 Change Path... 1221 Extract Properties 1222 Regenerate Thumbnail 1223 Directory Path 1224 Upgrading Catalog... 1225 &Add 1226 &Append 1227 Field values changed for %d of the %d selected items. 1228 Saved Views 1229 Enter a name for the Saved View 1230 A Saved View with that name already exists. Please choose another name. 1231 Portfolio Browser 1232 The collection folder already contains a file named %s.\nWhat would you like to do? 1233 Not all files could be found to attach to the email. 1234 Copying file(s) to %s... 1235 Moving file(s) to %s 1236 Cataloging 1237 Collect... 1238 One or more files being collected to a single folder share the same filename (%s).\nAttempt the collection after renaming the file(s), or select "Preserve file hierarchy". 1239 Delete from Catalog 1240 Remove from Gallery 1241 Are you sure you want to update the path for files with the same filename? 1242 Unable to connect to the server. 1243 Renaming and copying file(s) to %s... 1244 Renaming and moving file(s) to %s... 1245 Renaming file(s)... 1246 calculating... 1247 Cannot delete the file %1 - it is locked or on a read-only volume. 1248 Portfolio could not locate "Portfolio 6 User Guide.pdf" in the same directory as the Portfolio application. 1249 Using Portfolio Browser.pdf 1250 Find 1251 E-Mail 1252 Collect 1253 Properties 1254 Delete 1255 Add 1256 Update 1257 Black Line 1258 &Scripts 1259 Portfolio could not locate "Using Portfolio Browser.pdf" in the same directory as the Portfolio application. 1260 %d out of %d items were renamed. 5000 PDF Adobe Acrobat pdf T 5001 MPG3 MPEG Audio Layer 3 mp3 T 5002 ???? Macromedia Flash/Shockwave swf T 5003 PNGf Portable Network Graphic png T 5004 ???? CorelDRAW Drawing cdr T 5005 8BPS Adobe Photoshop psd T 5006 ???? Adobe Illustrator ai T 5007 TEXT Text File txt T 5008 AIFF Audio Interchange aif T 5009 ???? CorelDRAW Presentation Exchange cmx T 5010 ???? PostScript Interpretive ps T 5011 ???? Windows Metafile wmf T 5012 EPSF EPS eps T 5013 GIFf GIF gif T 5014 JPEG JPEG jpg T 5015 PCDI Kodak Photo CD pcd T 5016 Midi MIDI mid T 5017 FPX FlashPix fpx T 5018 ???? AVI Video avi T 5019 BMPp Windows BMP bmp T 5020 PICT Macintosh PICT pct T 5021 TPIC Truevision Targa tga T 5022 TIFF TIFF tif T 5023 MooV QuickTime Movie mov T 5024 WAVE Wav Audio wav T 5025 3DMF QuickDraw 3D 3dmf T 5026 SLD8 MS PowerPoint ppt T 5027 ULAW AU Audio au T 7000 TIF - Document Name 269 7001 TIF - Make 271 7002 TIF - Model 272 7003 TIF - Page Name 285 7004 IPTC - News Wire 286 7005 TIF - Creating Software 305 7006 TIF - Date & Time 306 7007 TIF - Artist 315 7008 TIF - Host Computer 316 7009 TIF - Ink Names 333 7010 TIF - Target Printer 337 7011 IPTC - Object Name 517 7012 IPTC - Urgency 522 7013 IPTC - Category 527 7014 IPTC - Supplemental Category 532 7015 IPTC - Instructions 552 7016 IPTC - Date Created 567 7017 IPTC - Time Created 572 7018 IPTC - Byline 592 7019 IPTC - Byline Title 597 7020 IPTC - City 602 7021 IPTC - State 607 7022 IPTC - Country Code 612 7023 IPTC - Country 613 7024 IPTC - Transmission Reference 615 7025 IPTC - Headline 617 7026 IPTC - Credit 622 7027 IPTC - Source 627 7028 IPTC - Copyright 628 7029 IPTC - Caption Writer 634 7030 Photoshop - URL 1035 7031 TIF - Copyright 33432 7032 EXIF - Exposure Time 33434 7033 EXIF - F-Number 33437 7034 EXIF - ISO Speed 34855 7035 EXIF - Date Taken 36867 7036 EXIF - Date Digitized 36868 7037 EXIF - Shutter Speed 37377 7038 EXIF - Aperture 37378 7039 EXIF - Exposure Bias Value 37380 7040 EXIF - Metering Mode 37383 7041 EXIF - Light Source 37384 7042 EXIF - Flash 37385 7043 EXIF - Focal Length 37386 8000 Not Defined 8001 Manual 8002 Normal 8003 Aperture Priority 8004 Shutter Priority 8005 Creative 8006 Action 8007 Portrait 8008 Landscape 8010 Unknown 8011 Average 8012 Center Weighted Average 8013 Spot 8014 MultiSpot 8015 Pattern 8016 Partial 8020 Unknown 8021 Daylight 8022 Fluorescent 8023 Tungsten 8024 Standard Light A 8025 Standard Light B 8026 Standard Light C 8027 D55 8028 D65 8029 D75 8030 No Flash 8031 Flash 8032 Flash, No Strobe 8033 Flash, Strobe Detected 10000 1 10001 Portfolio 6.0 10002 FSE FSI FSW 10003 2338 10004 FS600 10005 Portfolio 10006 {D7085EA1-AD82-11d1-8DD3-006008A69CAD} 10007 1 10008 1 10012 Portfolio Browser Version 32771 Creates a Category 32772 Deletes the selected Category 32773 Select all items in current gallery 32774 Adds the highlighted items to the selected Category 32775 Removes the highlighted items from the selected Category 32776 Display all items from the selected Category 32777 Display all items from the selected Category, including sub-categories 32778 Copy items from selected Category to disk 32779 Deletes all Categories 32783 Recovers a catalog that has been corrupted\nRecover Catalog 32784 Opens the Preferences dialog\nPreferences 32785 Untitled 32786 Exports a Portfolio catalog to a tab-delimited text file\nExport Text File 32787 Untitled%1 32788 Shows a list of saved galleries 32789 Show a list of saved Finds 32790 Cannot rename %1: a Category with the name you specified already exists. Try another name. 32791 Error renaming Category 32792 Error moving Category 32793 Cannot move %1: a Category with the name you specified already exists 32794 Are you sure you want to delete this Category and all sub-categories? 32795 Are you sure you want to delete all Categories? 32796 Displays the items in the Thumbnail view\nThumbnail View 32797 Categories 32798 CategoryExport 32799 Category Data (*.pjd)|| 32800 Finds 32801 Sorting 32802 Copies the currently selected items to another location\nCopy Original 32803 Moves the currently selected items to another location\nMove Original 32804 Deletes the currently selected items\nDelete Original 32805 Galleries 32806 Finds the currently selected items in the file system 32807 Sets the Portfolio window to be the front-most window\nAlways on Top 32808 Cannot move %1: The destination folder is a sub-folder of the source folder. 32809 pjd 32828 Recovers and compacts a Portfolio catalog file\nRecover 32830 Shows or hides the keyword palette\nToggle keyword palette 32832 Opens the Customize Gallery dialog\nCustomize View 32837 Finds all items with fields that match Quick Find text\nQuick Find 32838 Displays the Find dialog\nFind 32839 Finds all items\nFind All 32840 Adds items to the active catalog\nAdd Items 32841 Deletes the currently selected items\nDelete Items 32842 Updates the currently selected items 32843 Shows the Catalog Properties dialog 32844 Shows the Missing Files dialog\nMissing Files 32845 Shows the Administration dialog 32846 Shows the Catalog Access dialog 32847 Shows the Items Properties dialog for the currently selected items\nItem Properties 32848 Previews the Original file\nPreview Original 32849 Edits the original file 32850 Shows the Replace dialog 32851 Rotates the currently selected items 90 degrees clockwise 32852 Rotates the currently selected items 90 degrees counter-clockwise 32853 Quick Find Search String\nFind Text 32854 Add Items 32855 Update Items 32856 Saves the currently active gallery with a new name\nSave Gallery As 32869 Edits the keywords for the selected items\nEdit Keywords 32874 Refreshes the current Gallery\nRefresh 32877 Generate HTML 32879 Test sharpening code 32881 Enlarges the previewed image by 100%\n Zoom In 32882 Shinks the previewed image by 100%\nZoom Out 32883 Resize the view to actual size of the image.\nActual Size 32884 Resizes the image to fit the size of the preview window\nFit to Window 32885 Zoom 32886 Dimensions 32887 Start a slideshow of the current gallery\nSlideshow 32888 Shows the Slideshow Options dialog\nSlideshow Options 32889 Exports the currently selected items as an HTML file\nExport HTML 32890 Imports a tab-delimited text file\nImport Text File 32894 Display first slide\nFirst Slide 32896 Display previous slide\nPrevious Slide 32897 Display next slide\nNext Slide 32898 Display last slide\nLast Slide 32899 End the slideshow and resume normal operation\nStop 32900 Pause/Resume timed slideshow\nPause Toggle 32902 Connect to a Portfolio server.\nConnect to Servers 32903 Displays the items in the Record view\nRecord View 32904 Jump to the creativepro.com web site.\ncreativepro.com 32990 DPI 32991 % 32994 Reading Image 32995 Error (%1) opening preview for file %2 33003 Renames the currently selected item\nRename Original 33005 Shows the Cataloging Options dialog 33008 Resume timed slideshow 33009 Play the movie continuously. 33010 Play the movie continuously forward and back. 33011 Play only the selected range (select with Shift-click). 33012 Play only the currently selected portion of the movie 33013 Rewind the movie to the poster frame. 33020 Scan local and mapped drives for assets to catalog.\nScan volumes 33048 Display first page\nFirst (Home) 33049 Display next page\nNext (PgDn) 33050 Display previous page\nPrevious (PgUp) 33051 Display last page\nLast (End) 33052 Display last page\nLast (End) 33053 Are you sure you want to delete this background cataloging automation? 33054 Select the folder to monitor 33055 The automation name you entered is already being used 33056 The path is not valid, or you do not have the required permission 33062 Create and modify automatic background cataloging 33063 Previews the file 33065 Display the catalog palette window 33067 Display the master keyword palette window 33068 Creates a new Category 33071 Import Category data from an exported disk file 33072 Export Category data to a disk file 33074 Display the saved finds window 33076 Display the sorting palette window 33077 Execute the find associated with the selected entry 33078 Loads the galleries entire record set into the active gallery 33079 Remove all records from the active gallery 33080 Deletes the currently selected Find 33081 Rename the selected Find entry. 33082 Open a new, empty Gallery window 33083 Loads the selected Gallery into the active gallery window 33084 Delete the selected Gallery 33085 Rename the selected Gallery 33088 Display the Category palette window 33095 Display the palette of Saved Galleries 33096 Reads the embedded Digimarc ID. 33097 Finds text within documents\nFind Document Text 33098 Administer Portfolio servers.\nAdminister Servers 33099 Embed Digimarc ID in selected Image 33100 Regenerate Thumbnail from currently viewed image 33101 Creates a Placeholder Record\nCreate Placeholder Record 33102 Finds all place-holder items\nFind Placeholder Records 33105 Exports the currently selected items to a QuickTime movie\nExport QuickTime movie 33106 Previews the Original file\nSwitch to Original 33107 Open this catalog when Portfolio is started. 33108 Saves the currently active gallery\nSave Gallery 33109 Link the selected items to new files 33110 View all items for which "Edit Original" was performed 33111 Download a copy of original file\nDownload copy 33118 Commit changes to modified items for which "Edit Original" was performed 33122 Renames the selected Category 33127 Rotates the currently selected JPEGs 90 degrees counter-clockwise 33128 Rotates the currently selected JPEGs 90 degrees clockwise 33129 Edit field values for selected records 33131 Attach and Send Selected Items via Email\nEmail Items 33132 Shows or hides the Folder View pane\nToggle Folder View 33133 Rotates the currently selected JPEGs 180 degrees 33134 Shows or hides the Folder View pane\nToggle Folder View 33135 Collect current galleries files to folder, create archive catalog\nCollect files 33136 Regenerate (or extract) thumbnails for selected records. 33137 Regenerate keywords, description, and document text index for selected records. 33138 Update thumbnail and properties for selected records\nUpdate Items 33139 Change the path on selected items to reflect new location. 33146 Shows the Advanced Cataloging Options dialog 33150 Update the folder view states in the background. 33151 Rename selected items by specifying rules 57344 Portfolio 57345 For Help, press F1 57346 Select an object on which to get Help 57347 %1 in %2 57349 %1 - %2 57600 Creates a new Portfolio catalog\nNew 57601 Opens an existing Portfolio catalog\nOpen 57602 Closes the active Portfolio catalog\nClose 57603 Save the active document\nSave 57604 Saves the active document with a new name\nSave As 57605 Changes the printing options\nPage Setup 57606 Changes the printer and printing options\nPage Setup 57607 Prints the active Portfolio catalog\nPrint 57609 Displays full pages\nPrint Preview 57612 Sends the active catalog through email.\Send 57616 Opens this document 57617 Opens this document 57618 Opens this document 57619 Opens this document 57632 Erases the selection\nErase 57633 Erases everything\nErase All 57634 Copies the selection and puts it on the Clipboard\nCopy 57635 Cuts the selection and puts it on the Clipboard\nDelete 57636 Finds the specified text\nFind 57637 Inserts Clipboard contents\nPaste 57640 Repeats the last action\nRepeat 57641 Replaces specific text with different text\nReplace 57642 Selects the entire document\nSelect All 57643 Undoes the last action\nUndo 57644 Redoes the previously undone action\nRedo 57648 Opens another window for the active catalog\nNew Gallery 57649 Arranges icons at the bottom of the window\nArrange Icons 57650 Arranges windows so they overlap\nCascade Windows 57651 Arranges windows as non-overlapping tiles\nTile Windows 57652 Arranges windows as non-overlapping tiles\nTile Windows 57653 Splits the active window into panes\nSplit 57664 Displays program information, version number and copyright\nAbout 57665 Quits the application\nExit 57666 Lists Help topics\nHelp Index 57668 Displays user guide\nHelp 57669 Display help for clicked on buttons, menus and windows\nHelp 57670 Displays help for the current task or command\nHelp 57680 Switches to the next window pane\nNext Pane 57681 Switches back to the previous window pane\nPrevious Pane 59136 EXT 59137 CAP 59138 NUM 59139 SCRL 59140 OVR 59141 REC 59392 Shows or hides the toolbar\nToggle ToolBar 59393 Shows or hides the status bar\nToggle StatusBar 59410 Displays the items in the List view\nList View 61184 Changes the window size 61185 Changes the window position 61186 Reduces the window to an icon 61187 Enlarges the window to full size 61188 Switches to the next document window 61189 Switches to the previous document window 61190 Closes the active window and prompts to save the documents 61202 Restores the window to normal size 61203 Activates the Task List 61215 Activates this window 61402 Opens the selected item 61440 Open 61441 Save As 61442 All Files (*.*) 61443 Untitled 61444 Save Copy As 61445 Close print preview mode\nCancel Preview 61446 an unnamed file 61457 &Hide 61472 No error message is available. 61473 An unsupported operation was attempted. 61474 A required resource was unavailable. 61475 Out of memory. 61476 An unknown error has occurred. 61504 on %1 61505 &One Page 61506 &Two Page 61507 Page %u 61508 Page %u\nPages %u-%u\n 61509 prn 61510 Output.prn 61511 Printer Files (*.prn)|*.prn|All Files (*.*)|*.*|| 61512 Print to File 61513 to %1 61577 &Update %1 61580 E&xit && Return to %1 61696 Invalid filename. 61697 Failed to open document. 61698 Failed to save document. 61699 Save changes to %1? 61700 Failed to create empty document. 61701 The file is too large to open. 61702 Could not start print job. 61703 Failed to launch help. 61704 Internal application error. 61705 Command failed. 61706 Insufficient memory to perform operation. 61707 System registry entries have been removed and the INI file (if any) was deleted. 61708 Not all of the system registry entries (or INI file) were removed. 61709 This program requires the file %s, which was not found on this system. 61710 This program is linked to the missing export %s in the file %s. This machine may have an incompatible version of %s. 61712 Please enter an integer. 61713 Please enter a number. 61714 Please enter an integer between %1 and %2. 61715 Please enter a number between %1 and %2. 61716 Please enter no more than %1 characters. 61717 Please select a button. 61718 Please enter an integer between 0 and 255. 61719 Please enter a positive integer. 61720 Please enter a date and/or time. 61721 Please enter a currency. 61728 Unexpected file format. 61729 %1\nCannot find this file.\nPlease verify that the correct path and file name are given. 61730 Destination disk drive is full. 61731 Unable to read from %1, it is opened by someone else. 61732 Unable to write to %1, it is read-only or opened by someone else. 61733 An unexpected error occurred while reading %1. 61734 An unexpected error occurred while writing %1. 61831 Update %1 before proceeding? 61832 Could not update client. 61833 Failed to register. ActiveX features may not work properly. 61834 Failed to update the system registry.\nPlease try using REGEDIT. 61836 Unable to read write-only property. 61837 Unable to write read-only property. 61840 Unable to load mail system support. 61841 Mail system DLL is invalid. 61842 Send Mail failed to send message. 61856 No error occurred. 61857 An unknown error occurred while accessing %1. 61858 %1 was not found. 61859 %1 contains an invalid path. 61860 %1 could not be opened because there are too many open files. 61861 Access to %1 was denied. 61862 An invalid file handle was associated with %1. 61863 %1 could not be removed because it is the current directory. 61864 %1 could not be created because the directory is full. 61865 Seek failed on %1 61866 A hardware I/O error was reported while accessing %1. 61867 A sharing violation occurred while accessing %1. 61868 A locking violation occurred while accessing %1. 61869 Disk full while accessing %1. 61870 An attempt was made to access %1 past its end. 61872 No error occurred. 61873 An unknown error occurred while accessing %1. 61874 An attempt was made to write to the reading %1. 61875 An attempt was made to access %1 past its end. 61876 An attempt was made to read from the writing %1. 61877 %1 has a bad format. 61878 %1 contained an unexpected object. 61879 %1 contains an incorrect schema. 61888 pixels